Hi, I'm Akash I create user-centered AI experiences through deep research and interaction design.

Hi, I'm Akash I create user-centered AI experiences through deep research and interaction design.

Hi, I'm Akash

I create user-centered AI experiences through deep research and interaction design.

My current approach involves using structured research and collaborative workshops to reveal user pain points and discover opportunities for integrating intelligence.

Organisations and Partners



  • Akash has a unique way of tackling design challenges. He listen’s carefully, prioritizes user’s perspective before making any conclusions, acts with purpose and has a knack for simplifying complex ideas. He's the teammate you can consistently rely on.

    naveen ir

    asst director - ux, verizon

    Akash is full of positive energy with a unique blend of technical expertise and interpersonal skills, and it makes him an exceptional candidate. His passion and curiosity for AI and next-gen technology is endless.

    aalap vasavada

    ux lead, publicis sapient

    Akash embodies a combination of design skills and leadership, showcasing his ingenuity in solving problems. His optimistic attitude and focus in delivering high quality work truly set him apart.


    director - ux, emids

    Akash's exceptional collaborative skills are unmatched. He uses his knowledge to bring outcomes that can be attained in near and long term, and his unique approach has encouraged our team to consider angles when defining intelligent user interactions.

    subendra koganti

    SR ux designer, verizon

    Akash is deeply dedicated to his work, remaining calm under pressure, respectful to everyone, and never misses a chance to help his peers. What sets him apart is his willingness to step out of his comfort zone and continuously expand his knowledge across different fields.

    Sonal Shah

    Sr product designer, hatica


Why not email me at aakashraje007.ar@gmail.com

Why not email me at aakashraje007.ar@gmail.com

We can exchange ideas and perspectives, stories, anime recommendations, memes and what not!

© Akash Raje. All Rights Reserved 2024.